Piloted flight simulation  

Course Contents Lecture topics, not necessarily in chronological order 1) Introduction to piloted flight simulation, including fidelity considerations 2) Use of piloted flight simulation, including training and qualification 3) Simulator sub-systems 4) Modelling of vehicle dynamics 5) Real-time software engineering 6) Distributed simulation 7) Motion bases, including cueing 8) Visual systems, including image generation 9) Control loading Study Goals 1) You can explain the use cases of piloted flight simulators and the resulting (sub-)system requirements. 2) You can explain the working principles of piloted flight simulator subsystems (vehicle model, real-time and distributed software, motion system, visual system, and control loading). 3) You can identify the design options for a flight simulators functions, distinguish strong and weak points, as well as relate these to the simulators intended use. 4) You can identify, analyze, and evaluate piloted flight simulator systems in an operational context, e.g. in a flight training centre or a simulator manufacturing plant. 5) You can identify and explain the different ways in which the fidelity of a simulator (system) can be evaluated (physical, perceptual, behavioural). 6) You can use common methodologies used for assessing simulator fidelity in industry (QTG, OMCT, numerical stability).
Piloted flight simulation

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